
  • Children's Ministry

    Our Mission:  To reach children through the love of Jesus Christ, teaching them His truths, and training them to serve Him.

    Nursery - Infants and toddlers (up to 3 years old). 

    In this facility there are age appropriate toys, books, music, and videos. 

    Nursery is available during Sunday Worship Services at 8:15am & 11:00am / Sunday School at 9:30am  

    Preschool - Sunday School preschool class at 9:30am on Sundays for 3 to 5-yr-olds in the preschool room. (3yr olds only if potty trained).  
    Children's Church at 11am on the first and third Sunday of the month for ages 4yrs to 4th grade.
    AWANA on Wednesdays at 6pm (during school year). 

    Elementary Age

    Sunday:  Sunday school at 9:30am (grades K thru 6th) 

                   Children's Church at 11am on the first and third Sunday of the month for
                   ages 4yrs to 4th grade.


    Wednesday:  Awana at 6pm (during school year) / Ages: preschool to 6th grade

                           Wednesday Warriors for Christ at 6pm (during summer) / Ages: 1st grade to 5th grade

    Click here to visit our AWANA page for more info on this ministry, Awana calendar, Awana registration, and more. 

    Adults with proper background checks are permitted to work with children.  

  • Student Ministry

    Fellowship Baptist Student Ministry (aka FBSM) - Created to minister and disciple Middle School and High School students

    FBSM is committed to studying God’s Word. We preach the truth of Jesus Christ while praising Him for the redeeming work He completed on Calvary’s Cross and for the hope we now have through His resurrection. We believe that God’s Word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness and it is our goal to communicate this truth to our students using creative and relevant methods.

    Wednesdays at 6pm FBSM worship service for middle school and high school students.  

    Music, games, group building activities, and preaching biblical truth.

    Sundays at 9:30am FBSM has Sunday School classes specifically designed for middle school students and high school students.

    “Our goal is to train students to live in such a way that God is honored and exalted though their actions and words.”  - Garland Akers, Youth Minister

  • Women's Ministry

    Women On Mission (WOM)

    FBC's WOM meets at the church at 7pm on every third Tuesday of the month.

    Throughout the year FBC's WOM work in and through various ministries and missions; such as Appalachian Backpack Ministry, Angel Tree Ministry, Lottie Moon (Global Missions) and Annie Armstrong (North American Missions) fundraisers (such as cookie sales) & support, Food Pantry fundraising to help our community, sponsor Sunday morning sausage biscuits (proceeds go to various missions projects) and much more! They have fun and they help lift spirits and bless hearts. 

    Women's Bible Study

    Tuesday mornings at 9:30am at FBC

    Please contact Karen Beidle if you have any questions or would like more info.

  • Sunday school

    Sunday School each Sunday at 9:30am. 

    Our Sunday School Ministry will connect you with people in a personal way.  You will get to know people who may be traveling down the same path of life as you.  You can develop friendships that can last forever!